Puri Rath Yatra: With Ajnamala, three chariots move to Lions’ Gate

While lakhs of devotees from far and wide are planning to throng Puri to witness grand Rath Yatra tomorrow, much to their encouragement, the readied chariots got permissions from their respective lords for movement this morning.
Servitors brought Ajnamalas (garlands of permission) from the Trinity- Lord Balabhadra, Lord Jagannath and Devi Subhadra- and placed them on the respective Raths – Taladhwaja, Nandighosh and Darpadalan-amid chanting of Mantras. With this, the Raths got their lords’ nod for movement.
After this ritual, the Raths will move from Rath Khala (Chariot construction yard) in front of the Rajnaar (Puri King’s palace) to the front yard of Singhadwar (Lions’ Gate), the main entry gate of the Shreemandir. Tomorrow, the deities will be brought in Pahandi and seated in their respective Raths. Chakraraj Sudarshan will be seated on Devi Subhadra’s chariot along with the goddess.
Preparations for the world famous festival are in full swing now.
It may be noted that devotees will be participating in the Rath Yatra after a gap of two years. They were deprived of attending the much sought after festival in view of Covid pandemic.

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